profile picture
Technical skills

Languages: Python * | JavaScript | PowerShell | PowerFx | C++ | HTML | CSS

Frameworks: Django* | Flask | Bootstrap | Django REST framework | PowerApps Component Framework(PCF) | SPFx | Reahl

Cloud & DevOps: Microsoft Azure | Azure DevOps | Docker | CI/CD pipelines | Git | Terraform

Technical writing: Markdown | Confluence | Sharepoint wikipages | ServiceNow | Sphinx

Certification: Microsoft Azure


I'm Ron Maravanyika a software engineer.

My bias in software engineering is towards Python, automation and web development. I organise open source events at times like Djangogirls Chinhoyi & Kwekwe, PyCon Zimbabwe as well in the future l hope to get a role in Software Advocacy. If l'm not coding, l spend time with my family, watch F1 & cricket.

I work for NTT limited within their central team as a DevOps Engineer focusing on automation, development, platform governance, adoption, standard defination and third tier technical support for all 50 000+ employees across all continents in about 70 countries.

Me and Marlene Mhangami founded a non-profit called Zimbopy a few years ago. Our goal was to give young girls in Zimbabwe opportunities to break barriers into tech related career pathways.

I have had a previlledge of speaking at several tech conferences around the world, here are some examples: DjangoCon Africa, DjangoCon US, DjangoCon Europe, PyCon South Africa, Ubuntu summit, Global DevOps Summit, PyCon Zimbabwe GDG Harare and many more.

Soft skills: Critical thinking | Problem solving | Collaboration | Business centric | Requirements gathering | Community development | Public speaking | Presentation | Leadership | Resilience | Timeboxing | Continuous Learning

Platform governance: Power platform | Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Azure | Confluence | Microsoft Entra ID

Methodologies: Agile SCRUM, SAFE and Kanban | Automated testing

My Personal Projects


Django web application to request for OAuth 2.0 API tokens as well as reactivating expired tokens.


Scheduled webscraped market exchange rates and converted them into an API.


A streamlit site for the Black Python Developers community for PyCon US 2024.


Resources on a tutorial around, how to avoid writing DockerFiles and compose files.

Conference talks


Blog posts

Two ways to stop writing docker files

Learn how to stop writing docker files and docker-compose files. Have these files automatically created for you with just answering a few questions.


The Art of DeBugging

Debugging can be one of the most stressful things that one can do. In this article l will give my own personal techniques that l have mastered over the years


“I’m a business centric Engineer…” .Are you?

Business centricity is one of the most common terms used on resumes/CVs and of-course recruiters are attracted to this term but do Engineers know the meaning of this term